Teacher Assessment in maths at the end of KS1
This course will provide teachers with the opportunity to discuss their children’s work and moderate their judgements in line with the Assessment Framework for KS1 maths.
Please bring 2/3 examples of children’s independent maths learning to share.
Why should I attend?
- To refresh Year 2 teachers on expectations for work collections and explore best practice in teaching.
- To develop the skill of assessing children’s work within a professional discussion framework to come to an agreed judgement
- Consider the range of evidence needed to make appropriate teacher assessment by the end of KS1.
- Discuss the expectations for the gathering of work to use as evidence to support judgments.
- Look at work with colleagues and make judgements based on our evidence so far.
- Share government documentation
What will the course cover?
Participants will be:
- Introduced to any new moderation materials
- Explore the statements within a standard
- Examine children’s work
- Look at one another’s work from across the Borough
- Explore what makes a Working Towards/ Expected/ Greater Depth in maths
- Take part in a polite professional discussion
- Share ideas for good practice
- Briefly share the structuring and format of a moderation session.
Who should attend?
- Subject Lead/ Coordinator
- Teacher
Pay as You Go – £80.00
CPD Package - No charge
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Kate Goodingat kate.gooding@bdsip.co.uk
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact CPDEvents@bdsip.co.uk