EYFS Coordinator Network Meeting
This meeting will provide practitioners with an opportunity to update your knowledge on new EYFS developments, share good practice, explore elements of SEND, network with other EYFS coordinators, and find out about forthcoming EYFS training and events.
Why should I attend?
- Provides an opportunity for EYFS leads to share and discuss ideas on new EYFS reforms
- Opportunity to consider ‘next steps’ for your school in relation to new EYFS developments
- Inform your practice in relation to SEND in EYFS
What will the meeting cover?
- Update on current and forthcoming EYFS developments
- Assessment
- New initiatives/programmes
- Elements of SEND in EYFS
Who should attend?
- Senior Leader
- Middle Leader
- Subject Lead/Coordinator
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact susan.hodgson@bdsip.co.uk
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact CPDEvents@bdsip.co.uk
Cancellation Policy
- No refund will be received for places cancelled within 5 working days of the session.
- Schools will receive a 50% refund for places cancelled within 10 working days of the session.