Using Manipulatives for KS2
Conceptual understanding is a statutory requirement of the national curriculum for maths.
These sessions will cover progression in how to use manipulatives across KS2, exploring Bruner’s Enactive, Iconic & Symbolic approach; and also give practical guidance on how children can know more and remember more.
Why should I attend?
Does your school have a Concrete, Pictorial & Abstract approach to the teaching and learning of maths? Is it embedded in all year groups? Would you know how tens frames (both five wise & pairs wise) in Year 1 can be exploited to help patterns in times tables. How might you use Numicon, Cuisenaire Rods & Place Value Counters to teach division or even dividing a fraction by a whole number? This course will explore how manipulatives not only support conceptual understanding, and the ability to develop mathematical language, but can also be used as a challenge.
What the course will cover:
- How Bruner’s Enactive, Iconic & Symbolic theory can be put into practice
- How and why manipulatives need to be used in all year groups
- Progression in the use of manipulatives – from counting, subitising & early patterns through to fractions in KS2.
- How patterns and rules can be physically seen
- How manipulatives can reduce cognitive overload
- How we can soften the curve of forgetfulness (Herman Ebbinghaus) and help children to know more and remember more
- How to support mathematical vocabulary and language development
Who should attend?
- Subject Lead/ Coordinator
- Teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Learning Support Assistant
Pay as You Go – £80.00
CPD Package - No charge
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Kate Gooding at
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact