CEOP Education Online Safety

This training aims to increase professionals’ knowledge of online child sexual abuse and how to respond to it through education and safeguarding.


The CEOP Education programme aims to empower and help protect children and young people from online sexual abuse and exploitation through education. The programme is part of the National Crime Agency’s response to online child sexual abuse.

This training aims to increase professionals’ knowledge of online child sexual abuse and how to respond to it through education and safeguarding.

The training is aimed at designated safeguarding leads / deputies, and online safety leads.

Please note lunch is not provided, but there is a café onsite.


Why should I attend?

  • To increase knowledge of online child sexual abuse and how to respond to it
  • To gain an understanding of the CEOP Education programme
  • To receive information on relevant education resources for children and young people, and parents and carers
  • To network with colleagues, sharing ideas and practice between schools


What will the course cover?

The training has four key elements:

Children and young people online:

  • Key principles of effective prevention education for children and young people
  • Developmental milestones within a digital context
  • The social web framework and how this can be used to help identify potential risks of apps, sites and games
  • Practical strategies to support children to get the most out of being online, whilst helping to protect them.


Online child sexual abuse:

  • What online child sexual abuse is
  • How the internet facilitates sexual abuse
  • The impact of online sexual abuse
  • Strategies and resources to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse


Live streaming:

  • What live streaming is, how and where it is used
  • The potential harms of live streaming for children
  • Children’s development and vulnerability factors
  • The protective factors that can support and protect children


Nude image sharing:

  • What is consensual and non-consensual nude image sharing
  • Why children and young people might share nudes and semi-nudes
  • The law around nude image sharing
  • What is the impact of non-consensual nude image sharing
  • Helping to prevent sharing of images through education
  • Responding to incidents within education settings


Who should attend?

  • Senior Leader
  • Subject Lead/ Coordinator



Pay as You Go – £100

IT Services or CPD Package - No charge



Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.

Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.



Contact information

For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Gillian Bratley at

For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact

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This meeting is aimed at new and experienced KS5 Physics teachers. There will be time provided to network and meet colleagues from other LBBD schools; we will then look at the practical set up of key Required Practicals. Will then work together to carry out the standardisation of key Physics Practical Skills.

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Explore physical computing using the micro:bit device; finding out how it can be used to develop understanding of programming through creative projects. During this workshop, you’ll learn how to use sensors to monitor the environment and use sensors and inputs with selection and variables to create more complex programs. The workshop will focus physical computing in upper key stage 2.

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Explore physical computing using the micro:bit device; finding out how it can be used to develop understanding of programming through creative projects. During this workshop, you’ll learn how to use the micro:bit as a data logger, using its in-built sensors to collect data. The workshop will focus on the Teach Computing Year 4 Data Logging unit.

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Explore physical computing using the micro:bit device; finding out how it can be used to develop understanding of programming through creative projects. During this workshop, you’ll learn how to get started with the micro:bit, exploring the in-built buttons, LEDs, and sounds. You’ll find out how to setup and use the device, and how to teach using micro:bit, making use of freely available resources.

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This session is for year 2 teachers to share their reading assessments and evidence that supports the end of KS1 judgements. The session will be supported by experienced moderators.

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This session is for year 2 teachers to share their maths assessments and evidence that supports the end of KS1 judgements. The session will be supported by experienced moderators.

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This session is for year 2 teachers to share their writing assessments and evidence that supports the end of KS1 judgements. The session will be supported by experienced moderators.

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This half day masterclass course provides for those managing GCSE RS at their schools everything you need to reflect on your present practice with plenty of ideas building on your practice.

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This course is suitable for support staff and teachers new to EYFS and for practitioners who would like to revisit the essentials of EYFS. The course is a 2-part event and will also focus on how practitioners can support young children’s speech, communication, and language.

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Our newly formed subject-specific networks provide a unique space for teachers to share insights, resources, and innovative strategies.

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Our newly formed Economics networks provide a unique space for teachers to share insights, resources, and innovative strategies.

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Our newly formed Art networks provide a unique space for teachers to share insights, resources, and innovative strategies.

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Agreed Syllabus training is for all schools providing you with the new updated schemes of work and supports available in RE here in B&D

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This 2-part workshop provides, for those managing GCSE RE at their schools, everything you need to reflect on your present practice with plenty of ideas building on your practice.

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This 2-part workshop provides, for those managing GCSE RE at their schools, everything you need to reflect on your present practice with plenty of ideas building on your practice.

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This 2-part workshop provides, for those managing GCSE RE at their schools, everything you need to reflect on your present practice with plenty of ideas building on your practice.

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This 2-part workshop provides, for those managing GCSE RE at their schools, everything you need to reflect on your present practice with plenty of ideas building on your practice.

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This meeting is aimed at KS5 Biology teachers. There will be time provided to network and meet colleagues from other LBBD schools; we will then look at the barriers to progress at KS5, synoptic essay / longer written answers and revision ideas. Please bring with you an example of a technique that has worked really well.

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This workshop will provide practitioners knowledge on having a shared understanding of the early learning goals descriptors, making accurate judgements relating to the EYFS profile ‘emerging’ and ‘expected’ levels of attainment, building a professional dialogue relating to children’s learning and development, particularly for children on the ‘cusp’ of meeting an ELG.

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Free to schools based in LBBD. This course is suitable for practitioners new to EYFS and for practitioners who would like to revisit the essentials of EYFS

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Free to schools based in LBBD. This course is suitable for practitioners who would like to develop their skills on observing young children in the EYFS. It will also explore the importance of adult quality interactions to support children’s learning and development.

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Opportunity for Art Leads across the borough to meet share ideas and knowledge.

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A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

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A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

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A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

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A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

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A certificate of Accreditation will be awarded to governors who have successfully demonstrated that they have the knowledge and experience needed to complete the Level 2 self-assessment booklet after module 6.

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In this session you will learn what neurodiversity actually is (it's not just about ADHD and autism), build your understanding of common neurodivergent strengths and challenges, explore different neurodivergent profiles and processing styles, and how you can make small changes to your lesson structure and classroom environment that can make a big difference to a neurodivergent student.

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The Crafting Non-Fiction Writing in Year 6 course will clarify the requirement for this type of writing at the 'greater depth' standard, through exploring the statements on the Teacher Assessment Framework in relation to writing. Participants will analyse writing at the 'greater depth' standard and consider how best to teach the craft of non-fiction writing.

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This course will cover the national curriculum objectives in writing for year 3 and unpick how those translate into an expected level by the end of year 3.

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This session focuses on the Place aspect of the primary geography curriculum - localities in KS1 and regions in KS2. We will explore why scale matters and look at case studies for both localities and regions. We will look at the use of images and videos and how to challenge children's misconceptions.

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We will discuss how to embed fieldwork into the geography curriculum. We will explore the range of techniques available to us and how to use them in the school grounds and local area. We will also look at how virtual fieldwork can support the development of children's skills and enhance first-hand fieldwork experiences. This will be a participatory and interactive session.

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What makes an inspiring and resourceful Subject Lead? In this workshop we will explore core aspects of the geography curriculum and how to support colleagues with their geographical knowledge and understanding. This will be an interactive and participatory session.

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A half day CPD for those considering Headship in Primary, Special or Secondary schools and any current school leaders.

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A workshop to help schools set up their Integris assessment markbooks for the academic year.

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The Level 3 OCN London Dyslexia and Dyscalculia qualification is designed for educators, support staff, and other professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of dyslexia and dyscalculia. The course provides practical strategies for identifying and supporting individuals with these specific learning difficulties. We hope that delegates will carry onto further specialist training.

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This course will cover the national curriculum objectives in writing for year 5 and unpick how those translate into an expected level by the end of year 5.

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An introductory session to the construction industry for Primary and Secondary teachers, highlighting its significance, various career paths, and the skills required.

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An opportunity for ECT 1 & 2’s to enhance their subject knowledge in the RE and worldviews curriculum. Collaborate with peers identifying challenges and solutions to teaching a high quality RE curriculum in Barking and Dagenham.

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This online course titled "Exclusions: Policy, Procedures, and the Law." is crucial for ensuring compliance with both London Borough of Barking and Dagenham's guidelines and national regulations. Additionally, recent case law emerging from judicial reviews has further underscored the importance of adhering to these standards.

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This workshop explores effective ways to teach electricity in KS3 and KS4, focusing on how to sequence lessons to build both core knowledge and disciplinary skills.

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This course is suitable for practitioners who would like to develop their knowledge and understanding on how young children develop their speech, language and communication skills. It will explore each of the development stages of speech, language and communication and provide strategies on how adults can support young children.

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This meeting will center on how assessment can be leveraged to enhance student attainment, alongside strategies schools are employing to effectively lead revision activities in preparation for the final summer examinations.

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An opportunity for B&D schools to learn from A Level exam markers and experienced teachers about top tips for students to do well at A Level RS

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This meeting will provide practitioners with an opportunity to update their knowledge on new EYFS developments in nursery, share good practice, and network with other nursery practitioners.

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The course will provide practitioners with the knowledge and understanding on how best to support young children to become confident writers. It will look at the different stages of writing and consider the different strategies used to support early mark making and writing.

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This course will look at the importance of transition and explore the key principles for good practice in supporting successful early years transitions from home or nursery into reception and reception to YR1.

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This course will help you to understand the different elements of learning children will need to experience and develop in order to achieve the early learning in writing. It will also support you in making accurate judgements of children's writing in EYFS.

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This course will cover the national curriculum objectives in writing for year 4 and unpick how those translate into an expected level by the end of year 4.

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We know that phonics is now successfully embedded in the majority of primary settings. However, the teaching of comprehension and inference is still a challenge for many, as well as instilling a love of reading for life. As a group supported by experts, we will explore what we know works and how to introduce approaches in our settings.

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Professional Learning Community (PLC) - the focus for this year's PLCs will be on the Secondary ASD ARPs. As part of this, each ARP will have the opportunity to facilitate a session where they can share insights with primary schools (and each other) regarding the offerings of the ARP and guide primary SENCos/Inclusion Leads on the most suitable ARP placements for their pupil' next school placement.

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To support schools that are considering to move to Arbor MIS, this workshop will mainly be applicable to schools that currently have assessment markbooks in Integris. Schools are invited to join us for an overview of assessment marksheets and analysis tools within Arbor. There will also be a brief overview of helloData as an additional analysis tool.

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Join us for our annual Inclusion Conference: "Leading the Way: Building Inclusive Cultures for Tomorrow's Schools", where we aim to empower educational leaders and SENCOs by fostering a collaborative and hands-on learning environment focused on inclusivity.

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