Secondary Science Network

This meeting is aimed at Science Leads and forms part of our twice annual meetings. A chance to share examples of good practice and make connections with colleagues.



  • Schools in LBBD: £0.00
  • Schools outside LBBD: £65


Why should I attend?

  • Make connections with Science Leads in other schools
  • During this meeting we will have a focus on exam analysis from 2023-24 cohort, consideration of common areas of underperformance and a subsequent sharing of ideas and interventions.

What will the course cover?

  • There will be time provided to network and meet colleagues from other LBBD schools.
  • Common areas of underperformance - specific feedback to be shared by each school in the interests of understanding areas for further development

Who should attend? 

  • Subject Lead/ Coordinator

Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.

Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.

Contact information

For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Helen Baker at
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact

Cancellation Policy

  • No refund will be received for places cancelled within 5 working days of the session.​
  • Schools will receive a 50% refund for places cancelled within 10 working days of the session.

Terms and Conditions

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