Wellbeing as a collective responsibility
This course will enhance your knowledge of current wellbeing guidance and how you can implement strategies within your educational environment to support the wellbeing of all staff.
Why should I attend?
- You are a leader with responsibility for wellbeing
- You would like to improve your knowledge and understanding of wellbeing and mental health
- You would like to explore ideas for improving whole school wellbeing practices
What will the course cover?
- What is wellbeing and what does this look like
- The fine line between wellbeing and performance management
- What is my individual responsibility?
- What does the guidance say?
- How to monitor whole staff wellbeing?
Who should attend?
- Headteacher
- Senior Leader
- Middle Leader
- Head of Department
- Deputy Head
- Governor
- Subject Lead/ Coordinator
CPD Package - No charge
Pay as you go - £80.00
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Kathryn Webb at Kathryn.Webb@bdsip.co.uk
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact CPDEvents@bdsip.co.uk