Primary EAL Network Meeting
Free for schools in LBBD. This is a network meeting for EAL coordinators in primary schools. It gives them an opportunity to network with colleagues across the borough and to receive updated information on matters relating to EAL.
Why should I attend?
- Primary EAL Coordinator
- Support EAL pupils in class
What will the course cover?
- Latest updates in EAL
- Strategies
- Assessment
Who should attend?
- Subject Lead/ Coordinator
- Teaching Assistant
- Learning Support Assistant
Pay as You Go - £65.00
LBBD Schools - No charge
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Shaheena Khan at
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact