Professional Learning Community for SEND
This network is a professional learning community for SENCOs and Inclusion leads. The aim of this community is to provide a forum for learning and reflection that supports the development of inclusive practice within your school settings.
This network is a professional learning community for SENCOs and Inclusion leads. The aim of this community is to provide a forum for learning and reflection that supports the development of inclusive practice within your school settings. Sessions will focus on themes emerging from schools, changes to education policy as well as implementing research-based practice into your settings. The PLC will offer opportunities for collaboration as well as sharing best practice and expertise between our family of schools.
Why should I attend?
- To share best practice and expertise with SEND leaders
- You want to develop a shared vision of inclusion in your settings
- To develop your knowledge around SEND pedagogy, current research and share best practice
What will the course cover?
Alternative Provisions and how we can develop practice in mainstream schools.
The PLC will give you an opportunity to discuss and develop your knowledge around evidence-based practice as well as developing a solution focused approach to challenges around SEND. The session will allow SENCOs to ensure that their practice and knowledge base is evolving with the changes and challenges in education. It will also provide delegates with opportunities to collaborate as well as discuss strategies to implement within their setting.
Who should attend?
- ARP Lead
- Senior Leader
Schools based in LBBD - No charge
Schools based outside LBBD - £65.00
Booking confirmation including access information and important pre-course information will be sent to you upon booking.
Please check your junk inbox if you do not receive your booking confirmation and ensure you mark the sender as safe to enable you to receive any further pre-course information or changes.
Contact information
For specific enquiries about this course, please contact Hannah Hamid at
For general booking or CPD enquiries please contact